Asset Identification and Valuation the Key

After completing inventory asset identification and valuation for the Canadian Red Cross – Saskatchewan Division, Alberta Division, Western Zone and mentoring services to Manitoba Division, the Ontario Zone has just engaged the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists™ to assist them in identification and valuation of specific saleable sponsorship assets including their digital and social media assets within the scope of the project. This additional work by Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists™ will provide the Ontario Zone with a true understanding of what they have to sell as well as the value of those assets and realistic expectation projections for annual sponsorship revenue.

This new account for the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists™ continues to grow the portfolio of top tier clients that the company has served in the Canadian sponsorship industry for over a decade. In recent months the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists has also been engaged by United Way of Calgary and Area, 2014 Saskatchewan Winter Games, Tourism Calgary and Lake Louise Ski Area to deliver inventory asset identification and valuation services so these organizations can prosper in the competitive environment of the $1.6 billion Canadian sponsorship industry.

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