Moving Youth and Passion

I hear it over and over again, “Today’s youth are not motivated” or “Today’s generation doesn’t have the same values as we do or as we had when we were their age.” People criticize those aged 15 to 35. They say it is the “me generation.” They claim that these students...

Measuring Results

How does a brand measure results? When companies invest in sponsorship marketing plans, be it millions of dollars with the Olympics or a local charity investment, how can they tell if they succeeded? How can they tell if they should re-invest? These are age-old...

Future Growth

Today, many of you are just settling down in the Chrome Room at the Deerfoot Inn and Casino for the opening keynote of the 2012 SMCC Western Sponsorship Congress™.  With over 250 registered delegates at this leading Canadian sponsorship conference, the outcomes will...

What Consumers are Thinking

Next week, at the sold-out SMCC Western Sponsorship Congress™ in Calgary, the 2012 Consumer Sponsorship Rankings (CSR 2012) highlights will be released. This proprietary subscription research study speaks live with over 1000 Canadians about sponsorship. It is not an...