Getting Energized

Getting Energized

It is the end of the summer. Holy crap! Where did it go? What happened to that R&R I had planned over the summer? We seem to live in an era of exhaustion. We are doing too much and not “filling our gas tanks.”

Today, we have so many more decisions and choices to make in our daily routine. We have more on our plates. We are getting more and more frustrated. The interesting thing, though, as that a recent Hay Group study showed, 20% of today’s workers are frustrated. It also shows those who are most frustrated are the staff members who are most engaged at work. It is the ones who are high performers, not the average workers. So, if you are really frustrated about all you have to accomplish and exhausted as a result, congratulations! You are probably a high achiever (not sure it is such great consolation!).

What has caused this and what are some of the solutions? The cause—we are consuming more information in a week than our grandparents did in a year. Change is happening at an unprecedented pace. We are typically doing the work of 1.5 or two FTEs versus just our own. Our peers, supervisors, and clients are more demanding in quality and timeliness. All of this frustrates and exhausts us. So, what can we do about it?

Here are some thoughts that I would like to share. They come both from some recent reading as well as conversations with industry peers. First, you need to know that energy is finite. Your body can only do so much. Second, understand that energy can be renewed. Here are some thoughts for energy renewal.

  • Take a walk. After an exhausting, energy depleting meeting, go for a quick 20-minute walk outside or down the hall. Rejuvenate yourself though quick enriching activities such as this. Ensure that you have blocked in the time to do so. When I am on the road, I make sure I have time to walk 60-90 minutes a day—often in 30-minute stints. It clears the head and energizes the body.
  • If you are working at your desk, research has shown that you need to get up, stretch, or walk about every 20-30 minutes. Optimum attention lasts about 20 minutes. Great speakers at conferences try to have audience interaction every 20-30 minutes, because typically, a talking head will lose you after 30 minutes!
  • Speaking of conferences, many of those I spoke with said conferences are a fantastic source of energy rejuvenation. Speakers motivate. New ideas and knowledge energize people. Often, we say we are too busy or too tired to register for this or that conference. Understand it could be the best investment of a day or two of your time. Come back energized and ready to roll with greater knowledge and new ideas. The WSC – Alberta Forum is filling up fast. If you are not already registered, this might be the right time. You have probably been putting it off due to time, or being tired and overworked based on travel. Put those thoughts aside, register now, and see the outcomes. They are measurable!
  • Keep learning. Whether it comes in the form of reading periodicals or books, attending conferences, listening to podcasts, or taking classes, your energy level is elevated when you are learning. I recently spoke with someone who has gotten into podcasts. They use their travel time on the bus to listen. Sometimes, it is educational learning (for work or personal development) and sometimes it is just “escapism” to get out of the thinking groove for a bit.

Let me know what exhausts/frustrates you and what your solutions might be!

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