

I have always espoused the belief, and our clients can tell you it is true, that the process needs to be about them—not you! This is not news to the people who are successful. It is not about pitching a proposal that is great. It is about understanding the client’s needs and serving them.

If you are a sponsorship selling property, you need to understand the brand inside and out, determine their needs, then build a program that fits their needs. If you are a brand, you need to understand the property in detail to find out how you can help them. That may be a cash fee, a product in kind fee, or other support like a secondment, marketing support, or access to people.

For any of us to be successful, I truly believe that we need to be a little humbler. When someone comes in and tells me how great they are, how wonderful their product is, how long they have been around, who their other clients/partners are, and how much their product or service can help me, I am skeptical. Most know nothing about my business. But they are confident they can help solve any problems I have!

To be successful, we need to listen more. We need to be humble and then figure out how we can help. I recently heard someone say, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.” That nails it for me. Enough said!

Please remember to stay HIMPS! (Healthy, Isolate when possible, Masked, Physically distanced and Safe!).

© 2021 All rights reserved.


  1. Here’s one…”Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right. ”
    In my life I have met a LOT of people more concerned with the “who” than the “what”.

    • Dave, great to chat with you last month and catch up. And thanks for this. I love the quote. And me too… know too many people focused on the who versus the what!!

  2. I like that one, Dave!
    I forget where I heard this before but I love it and I often use it in my everyday and professional life: “God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason”

    • Well said Josh!


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