Some Statistics to Ponder

Some Statistics to Ponder

Data is an amazing thing. When we look at it and see trends, the information can help us to be better at our jobs. Imagine if you knew that, on average, it takes 7.53 calls to initially reach a prospect. That might encourage you to make that 9th attempt! Here are a few other interesting statistics about sales.

  • Almost 60% of all buyers want to discuss pricing on the first call. How can you be prepared to divert that conversation if needed, or are you prepared to talk price on the first call? (Source: Hubspot)
  • 79% of all marketing leads are never converted to sales. The 80/20 rule prevails. Where are you going to focus your time? (Source: Salesforce)
  • Adding “New” to your email subject line can increase open rates by 23%. (Source: Adestra)
  • High performing sales organizations are twice as likely to provide ongoing training as low performing ones. (Source: Hubspot)
  • 80% of sales require five follow-up calls after a meeting. (Source: Marketing Donut)
  • 44% of salespeople give up after one follow up. Refer to the above bullet! (Source: Scripted)
  • Only 7% of salespeople respond to leads in the first five minutes after a form submission. More than 50% don’t even respond within five business days. I am guessing the latter don’t do as well as the former group! (Source: Drift)
  • 40% of all emails are opened first on mobile. The average mobile screen can only accommodate a maximum of four to seven key words in the subject line. Make sure your subject lines are short and effective. (Source: Contact Monkey)
  • 73% of executives would prefer to work with sales professionals who are referred by someone they know. How is your referral program working? (Source: IDC)
  • About 47% of top performers consistently ask for referrals versus 26% of non-top performers. Which group are you in? Also see the question in the above bullet! (Source: Hubspot)

Take the data and use it to improve your sales game.

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  1. Me: jumping for joy (well not actually, that’s suspiciously close to exercising) because I love data! I’m an analyst, after all. No longer in sales per se, but everyone is in some sort of persuasive role in the workplace. Today’s post taught me about the subject line on a mobile device, and the poor response time on a form submission, which helps me set our customer service apart. The GM I worked for when I was a casino marketing manager always said, data tells a story – make sure you read it! Thanks Brent!

    • Rri,
      So great to hear from you… always!!! I love this and especially “data tells a story – make sure you read it!”.

      Stay well my friend.

      • Hi Brent,
        Along with Rri point about form responses – I am in a hockey league now versus others because I received a response to an inquiry less than 24 hrs after I submitted.

        Out of curiosity, do you have a stat that caught your attention when writing this?
        Great read as always!

        • Does the phrase “the early bird gets the worm” apply… I would say so. Well done Josh and have fun in the league as others watch from the sidelines.

          Of the stats above this one really caught my attention “40% of all emails are opened first on mobile. The average mobile screen can only accommodate a maximum of four to seven key words in the subject line. Make sure your subject lines are short and effective. (Source: Contact Monkey)”


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