Believing in Yourself

Believing in Yourself

In the last few weeks, I have had three occasions where people were doubting themselves. They were a cross of clients and mentees that I have in the mix. In all three cases the scenario was the same… someone doubted… either them or a prospect / superior. Let me lay the ground work…

Perhaps you have a brilliant idea, you have done the due diligence and looked at all the angles from emotion, activation, outcomes, costs, ROI, potential issues etc. and for each you feel confident that this idea (project, campaign etc.) will work. But others doubt. They don’t have an answer why but are skeptical. (Perhaps they want to continue to do the same old / same old or they don’t want you to succeed, or they don’t understand etc.) You try and try to explain and get them to believe in you and the idea, but to no avail.

An alternate scenario is you are in a slump. Sales are just not happening. Whether those are you selling sponsorships, or if you are on the sponsor side, the campaign has stalled, and the objectives and ROI once delivered is waning and the whole campaign is at risk of being cancelled. In both scenarios there is a lack of faith in yourself… am I doing the right thing, I thought I was better than this, what am I doing wrong etc.

In all three individual scenarios illustrated by these two fictitious examples, my advice was simple. Have faith is yourself and your ideas. Keep doing what you are doing, keep learning, seek ongoing advice and do not let naysayers dissuade you. That amazing idea may one day work and make someone a ton of money… or it may fail, but you will learn from it. Or it may never happen but that process is learning for you. And when all the odds are against you – just keep going and have faith in yourself. There is a great podcast called “We Regret to Inform You” about the hurdles so many people you know today as “successful” had to overcome to get where they are. Take a listen… there are over 100 shows.

And finally, there is quote I love by Thomas Aquinas.” To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” Work with those that have faith in you, they don’t need an explanation. They trust you. And have faith is yourself.

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