Welcome to a weekly commentary where Brent Barootes reflects on current events and industry happenings as it pertains to sponsorship marketing. Please join us and share your thoughts by leaving a comment!

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Growing Your Success

Growing Your Success

Success appears through many windows, and it takes several paths or door openings to get there. There is the old line about the overnight success of a business,  athlete, or individual and their organization, charity, or whatever. Typically, that “overnight success”...

I Am Sorry!

I Am Sorry!

Can you say, “I am sorry?” They can be tough words to get out, but they’re critical to success. We need to apologize when something has gone wrong. Several weeks back, I wrote about reputation, and to ensure a strong positive reputation, one must apologize when...

Getting Noticed

Getting Noticed

Are you effective at getting noticed? Whether you are looking for a new position or seeking out a partner as a brand or a property (or even personally), getting noticed is essential. Whether an introvert or extrovert, you need to do a few things to get noticed. Not...

Municipal Sponsorships Today

Municipal Sponsorships Today

Are you engaged in municipal sponsorship? Perhaps you are a brand trying to reach a soccer mom demographic, mom and tot swim audience, or a local arts audience. Perhaps you are a property and find you are competing against the city for dollars. Or maybe you are just a...

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