Jun 17, 2014 | Training, Tuesday Morning Commentary
Every day, rights holders seek to get inside the doors of prospects. They want to meet them. They want to build relationships. They want to pitch them. Every day at the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists™, we work with clients to provide them the...
Jun 12, 2013 | Sponsorship Update (in the news!), Training
North Peace Credit Savings and Credit Union is truly making a difference in Fort St. John British Columbia and area. In addition to their ongoing community investment with area non-profits and charities, North Peace Credit Savings and Credit Union is investing in...
Apr 16, 2013 | Training, Tuesday Morning Commentary
Today and tomorrow, I am delivering the Sponsorship Marketing Council of Canada (SMCC) One Day Workshops™ in Calgary. It is interesting because the session I deliver tomorrow (and will also deliver in Kelowna on April 23, Regina on May 8, and Toronto on June 6) is by...