May 6, 2014 | Tuesday Morning Commentary
Last week, the Sponsorship Marketing Council of Canada held an amazing day of professional development, and of course, the annual Sponsorship Marketing Awards. I was unable to attend, but hear great things about the day. Congratulations to all the winners and entrants...
Feb 5, 2014 | Sponsorship Update (in the news!)
The Ohio University College of Business recently welcomed Norm O’Reilly as professor and chair of the Department for Sports Administration, ranked the #1 Graduate Program in the world in 2012 and 2013 by SportBusiness International. O’Reilly, who holds MBA and Ph.D....
Aug 17, 2013 | Audio Blog
Now available: The August 17 episode of “Sportcology with Olympian Jungle Jim Hunter” and Sponsorship Marketing on the FAN 960 hosted by Jungle Jim Hunter, featuring Brent Barootes of the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists™. August 17, 2013 Show Notes (topics...
Mar 7, 2012 | Sponsorship Update (in the news!)
The Sponsorship Marketing Council of Canada (SMCC), TrojanOne, University of Ottawa, Canadian Sponsorship Forum and IMI International are undertaking the 6th Annual Canadian Sponsorship Landscape Study (CSLS). This is the benchmark study in Canada undertaken by the...