Here it is the end of June. It is halfway through the calendar year. It is the end of the traditional school year. That got me thinking. What is in store for our industry from a professional development perspective? Where are budgets and how can we all grow our...
What does your organization stand for? I sometimes question the integrity and ethics of both sponsors and selling properties in the sport and sponsorship marketing world. Last week, I was in Victoria at the CPRS (Canadian Public Relations Society Conference) and it...
Does government really understand sponsorship and sponsorship marketing? Do government people get it or are they too bureaucratic to understand business 101? Trust me, some governments understand sponsorship and do it well. The Cities of Edmonton and Toronto, and the...
I hear it all the time. I was speaking at the BC Recreation and Parks Association annual conference a couple of weeks ago and it came up there. Later this week, I am speaking at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities AGM in Saskatoon and I know it will come up...
How effective can sponsorship marketing, or traditional advertising and marketing be? Recently, the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists™ engaged Derek Mager to conduct a quick poll on brand loyalty for us. This online panel surveyed over 2000 Canadian...
At the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists™, we work daily with sponsors and selling properties. These are the two essential entities in any sponsorship deal. We help our brand clients to review proposals, plan activation, develop measurement tools, and...