Common Denominator

Common Denominator

The other day, someone pointed out to me that success and failure have one clear common denominator.  They are both temporary. I thought for a moment and then smiled. This is so true. I look at people I have worked with, and organizations I have mentored and consulted...
The Love of Sponsorship

The Love of Sponsorship

Happy Valentine’s Day! It is a day of love. I hope you have already ordered flowers for your partner, chocolates for your parents, and of course, some sort of recognition for your staff and sponsorship partners. OK—so most of you probably don’t equate Valentine’s Day...
Trinity of Sponsorship

Trinity of Sponsorship

Clear your mind. Get ready to toss out with the garbage all that you have traditionally been taught about sponsorship. Huge paradigm change. This is more than the death of the gold, silver, and bronze stock packaging which died two decades ago (but that some poor...