Getting Noticed

Getting Noticed

Are you effective at getting noticed? Whether you are looking for a new position, or seeking out a partner as a brand or a property (or even personally), getting noticed is essential. Whether an introvert or extrovert, you need to do a few things to get noticed. Not being noticed often equates to not getting that promotion, deal, or partner. Here are some ways to “get noticed” without being too aggressive.

  • Attend professional development opportunities and conferences, but don’t be a wallflower. Get onto a panel, ask questions in break-out sessions, and mingle and interact. There are lots of ways to do this, even if you are an introvert. I would be happy to share further, if you are interested.
  • A great event to do this (and I will be attending so can talk one-on-one with you about “getting noticed”) is in two weeks in Toronto – WSC Ontario – Toronto Forum It is close to sold out, so register today if you want to attend.
  • Create a blog or newsletter and share your insights, knowledge, and content with your network—just like this TMC! (A few folks from different conferences where I presented a ‘building your brand’ session have done this to great success.)
  • Work your social media. For me, that means:
  • Whenever I invite someone to connect with me, I try to personalize the message.
  • Anyone who does connect with me, I send a personalized thank you.
  • I read articles, share them, and comment on them—do more than just “like.”
  • Post a blog like this.
  • Tag your posts (LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram) with people and hashtags like your organization or #sponsorship.
  • Make sure you speak up in meetings. Bring your ideas forward, speak up if you disagree. If you like a comment or idea, shout it out! Don’t sit there in silence. Ask questions and comment.
  • Differentiate yourself by wearing a trademark scarf or bow tie everywhere, by writing a blog, or sending cards at Thanksgiving instead of Christmas!


To get that deal, partner, raise, job, or promotion, you need to get noticed. Find ways to really get noticed. The impetus for this TMC came from my friend and colleague Michael Harker. Michael is a partner at Enigma Research, which does amazing work and we have used several times for research. He is also an instructor in the Sponsorship and Events Management program at Centennial College and his classes use Reality Check – Straight Talk about Sponsorship Marketing in the curriculum. Anyway, Michael sent me this note that he got on LinkedIn. It really got his attention.


Research Enthusiast

Dear Michael, the success of your brainchild ‘Enigma Research’ is definitely worth lauding for its innovative area of research. I was reading one of the designer reports available on the company’s website and it thrilled me to think of being able to contribute to one of those. I am a postgraduate in Economics with 2+ years of experience in primary and secondary research. I have worked with The Economist Intelligence Unit in the past. While working with data excites me, Data visualization exhilarates me even more. I’d be happy to discuss any possible opportunities that might be open at the moment within the company.  Thank you and congrats once again on being the ‘World’s Greatest Event Researcher’ 🙂

 Michael Harker  8:17 AM

Hello XXXX this is one of the nicest and most creative notes I have ever received on LinkedIn.  Obviously, you are a researcher and learned a lot about me and our company before making contact.  I regret we are a small group of partners and have never hired external analysts.  But I am happy to connect with you on LinkedIn and if I see any good opportunities, I will send them your way.

Make sure you get noticed. Differentiate yourself. Be successful!

© 2019 All rights reserved.


  1. Great post, Brent – thanks for sharing! I’m good with networking at small events but tend to be a bit of a wallflower at big conferences where it’s easier to be lost in a large crowd of people (who often already know each other). Any tips + tricks you have for being more interactive and standing out in the crowd at these events would be so appreciated!

  2. Elisa,

    Thanks for reading and for the post. A couple of quick “tips and tricks” are to prepare ahead. Try and find out who is attending and determine who you want to meet. Another one is to find one person and have them introduce you to people. And one I truly follow all the time at large events where I have a desire to be like you and “blend in” is to go with a plan of trying to meet say three people and when I meet them figure out how I can help them… how I can be of assistance to them… then there is less pressure….


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