Reading Body Language

Reading Body Language

They say that our words account for only 7% of communication. Non-verbal communication accounts for 55%, and tone or inflection accounts for 38%.  So, how well are you communicating in that sponsorship deal negotiation or discovery session? To be successful in...
Making Conferences Pay Off

Making Conferences Pay Off

Can you leave every conference you attend saying, “That was worthwhile and a great investment”? This week, I am at the Sport Event Congress (SEC) for Sport Tourism Canada. Two weeks ago I was at the WSC® Municipal Sponsorship Summit and in the next while I will also...
Leap Years

Leap Years

You have an extra day this month. Normally, tomorrow would be the last day of February, but since it is a leap year, you get an extra day! What are you going to do with it? First though, you need to look at all the myths, truths, and circumstances around February...


Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day—the day we share our love with our loved ones. Perhaps you will bring home flowers or chocolates to your partner. Maybe it will be a romantic dinner for two. If you have young kids, they are probably heading to school with lots of little...