Closing the Deal

Closing the Deal

Do you find sales easy? Some people are great at it—it comes to them naturally. But for most, it is a burden, a struggle, and even a fear. Every day, we work with clients and their staff to help with the sponsorship sales process. Within these organizations, we build...
Making Your Team Even Better

Making Your Team Even Better

I am guessing you have a great team that you work with. Is your team good?  You may be the leader, the senior person, the workhorse, or the newbie. But you know well enough that a team is only successful when all members do their part and feel everyone else is also...
Value in Kind

Value in Kind

Do you ever do sponsorship deals in contra or “value in kind”? Many organizations do. Clients often ask us about the real value of value in kind (VIK). Is it worth it? Is it a pain? What should we do? I have written about this before, but it seems to be coming up...
Taking a Leap of Faith

Taking a Leap of Faith

Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith. Sometimes you have to take a risk. I often say the eight most expensive words in the English language are “But we have always done it that way!” If we continue to do what we have always done, we will continue to get the same...
Professionalizing Our Sponsorship Industry

Professionalizing Our Sponsorship Industry

Do you believe you, your peers, and your staff have all the tools necessary to be the most successful you can be in the sponsorship and partnership game?  I presume not. Most of us don’t believe we know everything. (OK, there are a few that do…) Most of us believe...