Common and Professional Courtesy

Common and Professional Courtesy

I grew up in an era where you offered your seat to an elderly or disabled person, or a woman on the subway or bus. I grew up in an era where you held the door for the next person, be it a woman or a man, and always let the woman enter first. I grew up in an era when...
Sponsorship Training

Sponsorship Training

We should be learning every day. Each morning, I undertake professional development by reading articles on sponsorship. I read content from LinkedIn, or magazines and periodicals while on airplanes or in hotel rooms. This keeps me current, increases my knowledge, and...
Rules to Live By

Rules to Live By

It is important to have rules. Rules guide us, protect us, and allow our society to be fair. Every day we work in the sponsorship industry, we need to focus on being fair, delivering value, and working together.  It is through mutual respect and living by a code of...
Setting Up the Day for Success

Setting Up the Day for Success

Do you want every day at work to be successful? When at the office, do you sometimes look up and say, “Holy crap, it is noon already. Where has the morning gone?”  Much has been written about how to start each morning and set up the day for success. The most famous is...
Learning to Say No

Learning to Say No

Are you one of those people who has a hard time saying no? I sometimes struggle with saying no, but am trying to get better at it—and I have. Otherwise, I take on way too much. Here are my issues—I am sure many of you can relate. Someone asks for a call to learn more...
Relationship Selling

Relationship Selling

I am often asked about the sponsorship sales process. I let people know that, in Canada, the average timeline between prospect clearance and closing a sponsorship deal is 18-22 months. Yes, some happen in a week. Others are in the mill for three to four years, but on...