Selling is Not About Talking

Selling is Not About Talking

What comes to mind when I ask you what selling is all about? Unfortunately, many people think selling is the same as talking. From my experience, the most effective and successful sponsorship or any professional salespeople know that listening is the most important part of their job.

 I sit in on discovery calls with clients in front of renewal opportunities or new prospects, and unfortunately, they often spend more time talking than listening. It’s crazy! The key is to learn about the prospect. The role of the solution provider (that’s you—the selling property) is to understand as much as you can about the prospect. That means you need to ask questions, then shut up and listen. Ask another question and then listen.

 Next month in Edmonton on November 25-26 at the WSC® Alberta Forum registrants will learn tactics and gain an understanding of how to ask these questions, how to listen properly, and much more. Be sure to check this out as seating is limited to ensure physical distancing.

Here are three tips right now for listening for success.

    1. Ask open-ended questions to allow the prospect to talk versus replying with one-word answers.
    2. With each answer provided, ask a supplementary question related to that specific topic. Go with the flow to dive deeper into that topic, such as asking, “What other sponsorships are you doing?” or “What is success?” Then ask why or how they measure success. Let everything flow as a conversation versus an interrogation.
    3. Take lots of notes, but ask first if it is OK to take notes. Don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat their answer if you did not get it all down in your notes.

Please remember to stay HIPS! (Healthy, Isolate when possible, Physically distanced from others, and Safe!) and check out the WSC® Alberta Forum.

© 2020 All rights reserved.


  1. Hi Brent,
    Great read and perspective, as always!
    I just wanted to get your thoughts on listening being a 2-way street. What I mean by this is when a prospect asks you, the salesperson/sponsorship representative, a question, to which you offer advice and perspective, but the prospect either doesn’t listen, or completely disregards your comments.
    At the end of the day, its the prospects call to make, right?

    • Josh,
      I have always believed if they cannot listen or be engaged then I probably am not the right rep for them. When selling radio decades ago I had a prospect who asked for my input. I complied and then he told me I was wrong and the rep from the other station was right. Then he asked me to adjust the plan to fit his beliefs. I said no and encouraged him to go with the other station’s plan. It didn’t work for him. I year later he was back and we have a great relationship. I listened, he listened and he prospered from the results. It has to be a 2 way street.


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