The Results Are In

The 2014 Consumer Sponsorship Rankings (CSR) study is complete and Repucom has provided the final numbers. This is the only impartial research study that delves deeply into what Canadians are thinking about sponsorship marketing: the companies that provide the sponsorships and the organizations that seek them. Those attending the SMCC Western Sponsorship Congress™ in Calgary this month will have access to the top level numbers for 2014. Much more content and information will be provided at the Congress, but I want to share a sneak preview of some of the high level outcomes with you.

  • Visa jumped from 35% to 44% recognition and eclipsed Molson as the single most mentioned brand across all industries.
  • McDonald’s and Air Canada each increased six percentage points and Ford, Bell, and Petro-Canada increased four percentage points; all led their sector industries as most recognized brands on the Canadian sponsorship landscape.
  • RBC was recognized by Canadians as the bank most supportive of events and causes, followed by Scotiabank.
  • The Canadian Cancer Society was again recognized as the most important charity in Canada, while the Terry Fox Run captured that category for both top fund raiser property and top walk/run/bike.
  • 81% of respondents agree that they would prefer to do business with a company that sponsors their favorite cause… while that affinity is only 68% for their favorite sport.
  • 86% of Canadians agree that companies should be able to sponsor public spaces such as hockey rinks, ball parks, and recreational facilities.
  • 65% of Canadians agree that our secondary schools should seek corporate sponsorship.
  • The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure was the most recognized sponsorship investment made by CIBC and leads its portfolio by three times the recognition of the second most recognized CIBC sponsorship investment.
  • Canadians truly recognize who sponsors what properties as they recognized RBC as sponsor (in this order) of Canada’s Olympic Teams, hockey, golf, and Blue Water Projects.
  • TELUS was recognized as a sponsor of science centres in Canada.
  • 2014 saw a decline in frequent attendance (4+ times) at events in the following categories:
  • arts festivals.
  • cultural events.
  • amateur sports events.
  • charity galas.
  • exhibitions and agricultural events.
  • 2014 saw a marginal increase in attendance at professional sports events or watching sports on TV, as well as participation in walks/runs and bike events.

As one of Canada’s leading sponsorship marketing agencies, we are the only consultants with access to these in-depth numbers and analysis. We use this proprietary information to help both our rights holder and brand clients make informed decisions. No other study goes as deeply as this and we talk to over 2000 Canadians to ensure accuracy beyond any other study. It allows us to segment 18-34 year old males or women 64+ in Atlantic Canada or Ontario. It tells us what Western Canadians think about Scotiabank versus ATB with regard to sports affinity, and much more. From this, we can provide more accurate and effective advice and counsel to our clients than the competition. We can help rights holders make more money in selling their properties and learn how to make their assets more applicable to brands and consumers. Likewise, we can help our brand clients generate higher ROI.

Sponsorship is a sophisticated game today. Whether you are a brand, municipality, arts organization, charity or sports team, research is essential and it provides an incredible ROI.  Every year, the number of non-client rights holders and brands that purchase this proprietary information from us increases. I believe more and more organizations truly understand the need for such research, and rather than pay $40-$50,000 to do it themselves, they will purchase impartial information such as this to support their programs and investments. The question I ask is “What research have you truly invested in for your sponsorship program this year?”

These are just one person’s thoughts. Yours are welcomed as well. Please add your thoughts or comments below. Thank you for reading and your feedback.

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